Chinese food in any form is appetizing, no matter how humble the presentation or how fancy. The cuisine has gained our deep love for its delicious aromatic gravies and the classic fried noodles that must be the utter favourite of every child or adult. It doesn’t take a lot to prepare Chinese food but you can certainly improve it by bringing in authentic elements, normally seen at five star menus. One of the most popular Chinese menus in Bengaluru happens to be part of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel under ‘The Lantern Restaurant & Bar’. Foodies with severe Chinese food cravings are regular diners here and swear by their food. The beautiful luxurious setting certainly helps the matters too. The Lantern Restaurant & Bar is known to serve some of the best Chinese food in town, a boast which doesn’t come lightly in a gastronomically-rich city like Bengaluru.
The food at The Lantern Restaurant & Bar is as authentic as it can get. Chinese elements are kept pure to elevate the flavour and impress the well-travelled palates of their affluent diners. Definitely dig into the dim sums as you will be treated to a wonderfully vast variety. They are equivalent to the ones served at Hakassan and Yauatcha, a high praise indeed. Mixologist creates some delicious signature cocktails like pineapple & wasabi punch, kaffir lime-chu hai or samurai, to complement the menu beautifully. Make the first course entirely of dim sums and proceed with the second one with, stir fried lobster with XO sauce, sweet & sour pork, drunken chilli chicken, stir fried lamb in Mongolian sauce, Peking duck with pancake, mapo tofu, steamed seasonal fish homemade black bean sauce and kung pao chicken.
Throw in some scrumptious noodles or fried rice with the mains for maximum pleasure. Spoil your sweet tooth with an assortment of exotic desserts such as, sorbet & ice cream, custard bao with vanilla anglaise, spiced chocolate pave with orange pear compote, exotic fruit sago pudding and warm ginger & lemongrass soufflé with raspberry chilli sorbet. No stone has been left unturned to decorate the interiors of The Lantern Restaurant & Bar. Designed by Japan’s design consultancy firm Super Potato, the restaurant is the very epitome of elegance. Stylish and good-looking to boot, contemporary ethics are merged with traditional elements to spice up the space. The restaurant is expensive and looks it.
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